In addition to being a stamp collector, I am also a writer-- writing represents a significant part of what I do for my "day job."
One of my passions in the philatelic realm is to be part of securing the future of philately. I believe that if the hobby we love is to continue to be enjoyed by future generations, we must encourage present generations of "non-collectors" to consider getting involved with stamp collecting, as an interesting and unique pastime.
This page lists articles I have written about stamps and stamp collecting. Some are intended for the general (i.e. non-philatelic) press, others are written specifically for stamp collector publications. I hope you may find something useful here!
A request: Help keep stamp collecting alive and thriving! If you found any of the articles interesting and/or useful-- and own a web site, blog or forum-- please consider adding a link from your site to the original articles! Not only will it add "quality content" to your site, but the more "stamp collecting" appears on the Internet, the more likely the hobby will gain new collectors!
Section 1: Articles about stamp collecting, written for a general audience.
Stamp Collecting: The History and Evolution of the World's Greatest Hobby: A brief history of how postage stamps came to be, along with an introduction to stamp collecting. Once described as "The World's Greatest Hobby," stamp collecting flourished until the rise of technology in the 1980s. After three decades of decline, the hobby is now enjoying a rebirth.
Did the Internet Kill Stamp Collecting? Not a Chance!: A general article about stamp collecting-- from a personal perspective-- aimed at those who might be thinking "Stamp collecting? Does anyone even DO that, anymore? Might also inspire those who have an old childhood collection tucked away in a closet or in the attic.
More to follow!